Why does Mama's Select do what they do?

Did you know that women who reported not taking a daily prenatal vitamin immediately before and during the first month of pregnancy were nearly twice as likely to have a child with an autism spectrum disorder as women who did take the supplements -- and the associated risk rose to seven times as great when combined with a high-risk genetic make-up, a study by researchers at the UC Davis MIND Institute has found.


Breast-feeding rates are on the rise in the United States. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention's 2013 Breast Feeding Report Card found that 77 percent of new mothers are breast-feeding their babies, up from 71 percent about a decade ago. And almost half of breast-feeding moms are continuing to do so for at least the recommended six months.

"This is great news for the health of our nation because babies who are breastfed have lower risks of ear and gastrointestinal infections, diabetes and obesity, and mothers who breastfeed have lower risks of breast and ovarian cancers," said CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden.



One of the latest CDC report shows that only 49 percent of mothers were still breast-feeding when their child was six months old, and 27 percent were still doing so when they kid was 1-year-old. Back in 2000, rates were 35 percent and 16 percent respectively.



 Why do a huge % of mothers stop breastfeeding?

A team of researchers conducted over 2,700 interviews with 532 first-time mothers multiple times after they gave birth, starting 24 hours after delivery and ending at 60 days postpartum, about their breast-feeding choices. They report in the journal Pediatrics that women who worried from the start about their ability to nurse their infants were more likely to switch to formula sooner than those who didn’t have these concerns.


Nearly 6 million or 8% of children have food allergies with young children affected most. Boys appear to develop food allergies more than girls. Food allergies may be a trigger for or associated with other allergic conditions, such as atopic dermatitis 9 and eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases.


With any new food, you’ll want to be on the lookout for any allergic reactions. There are more than 160 allergenic foods; certain foods may be more allergenic than others. The following eight foods and food groups are known to possibly cause problems with allergic reactions possibly up to 90% of the time. You may want to wait until the baby is older to try some of these foods, especially peanuts. In fact, many experts suggest waiting until your child is 3 before trying peanuts. Ask your pediatrician questions about a food if you are unsure about it.

  • Egg
  • Milk
  • Peanuts
  • Tree nuts (such as walnuts or almonds)
  • Fish
  • Shellfish
  • Soy
  • Wheat



So...Why does Mama's Select do what they do?

The supplementation and health of a mother during pregnancy and breastfeeding are crucial to your babies development. Study after study shows why you need prenatal vitamins, postnatal vitamins, DHA, and a healthy supply of breast milk to give your baby the needed nutrients he/she needs for a head start in life! I think we can all agree that we want the very best for our babies, but sometimes we just don't know where to look for help!

One thing they don't tell you at the hospital or doctor's office is how common it is for your baby to have food allergies. Milk and Soy are the most common food allergies in infants -- and take a look at most of the prenatal and postnatal vitamins on shelves today..... they contain milk and soy or worse!!! This is because these fillers are very cheap for the supplement companies to manufacturer, and even if the allergen is contained in the “other ingredients” it is still active and highly damaging to a child with an allergen. All of the Mama's Select Prenatals and Postnatals are free from these common allergens, made with only the highest quality ingredients, and without nasty chemicals or fillers!


The other thing they don't tell you, is that a lack of breast milk production is a huge problem for many mothers, and the biggest reason for giving up on breastfeeding and switching to formula (which has the same nasty allergens and fillers as some of the popular prenatals). Sometimes all your body needs is a jump start or boost to help produce the high quality breast milk your baby needs! That is why Mama's Select developed the Nursing & Lactation Plus and Organic Goat's Rue formulas among others, so you can give your precious newborn all the benefits that breastfeeding offers! 
Try these two formulas together for a fantastic 1-2 punch combo, when needing a boost in milk supply! Most mothers report an increase in milk supply in 3-4 days, but if you don't see that, please contact us so we can help in any way possible! 


We love our babies, and the lack of sufficient prenatal nutrition, baby allergens, and decline of breastfeeding concerned us enough to take a stand! As mothers and experts ourselves, we will not stand for anything except the very best for our children! Our lifelong goal is to help mothers and babies with their health and nutrition, and help navigate some of the hardest decisions of motherhood! That is why we developed Mama's Select, For The Love of Mom and Baby!











The Mama's Select Promise

We promise we will never cut corners, always treat you with honesty and integrity, relentlessly pursue excellence, continually work hard to improve, and help mothers and babies succeed!


"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13


 Mama's Select

 For the Love of Mama and Baby!



http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/05/110525112109.htm https://www.foodallergy.org/document.doc?id=194 http://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/baby-food-nutrition-9/introducing-new-foods http://www.cbsnews.com/news/cdc-breast-feeding-rates-rise-to-77-percent-of-us-moms/ http://healthland.time.com/2013/09/23/why-new-mothers-stop-breastfeeding/