Mama's Select Blog

5 Ways to Get Nutrition Into Your Children the Easy Way

5 Ways to Get Nutrition Into Your Children the Easy Way

When children become toddlers, they start voicing their opinions about the foods they do and don’t want to eat. Unfortunately, some parents give in to these demands and feed them what they want instead of what’s good for them. This is the main reason why children are deficient in certain vitamins and minerals.
5 Common Baby Stomach Problems

5 Common Baby Stomach Problems

Baby stomach problems are very common, and being aware of what those most common issues are and how to deal with them will be essential for any mother. After all, the last thing you want to happen is for your child to be suffering in some way and you unable to help. The good news is that it is very rare.
21 Ways to Prepare Your Body for Childbirth

21 Ways to Prepare Your Body for Childbirth

What can get your body ready for labour? Supplements, relaxation, oils, the list can potentially go on for quite some time. Being aware of the things that you can do in order to prepare yourself is something that every expectant mother should delve into. After all, you want things to run as smooth as possible and reduce.
Tips From Mothers Who Have Healthy Babies

Tips From Mothers Who Have Healthy Babies

All mothers want a healthy baby; maintaining your health during pregnancy is essential. However, once your little one is born, it is crucial that your child consumes the right diet and takes the necessary supplements to ensure optimal health. Since your baby is totally dependent upon you, it is up to you as a mother.
Tips to Overcoming the Fears of Breastfeeding

Tips to Overcoming the Fears of Breastfeeding

  If you are afraid of breastfeeding, not to worry, this is a common fear especially if you are a first-time mother. It is also a common fear amon...
Things Other Than Nutrition For Improved Breastfeeding

Things Other Than Nutrition For Improved Breastfeeding

Although nursing is natural, it is a difficult process. According to the Centers for Disease Control 83 percent of mothers start breastfeeding shortly after birth, and 57 percent continue to breastfeed six months after giving birth. 
The Perfect Nourishment for the Soon to be Mom and the Baby

The Perfect Nourishment for the Soon to be Mom and the Baby

Pregnant women should consume an extra 300 calories from a balanced diet of whole grains, vegetables, fruits and protein. Fats and sweets should be kept to a minimum, a well-balanced and healthy diet during pregnancy can also help to reduce symptoms such as constipation and nausea. 
Supplements For a Woman Through the Journey of Motherhood

Supplements For a Woman Through the Journey of Motherhood

During pregnancy, there are two vitamins that are extremely important, vitamin D and folic acid. If blood tests show that you are suffering from anemia you will also need to take an iron supplement, and in most cases pregnant women suffer from anemia due to the developing placenta placing huge demands on iron stores.
Guide to Prenatal and Postnatal Diet

Guide to Prenatal and Postnatal Diet

The best way to promote a healthy birth is to have a healthy pregnancy. A good diet is essential to the health of your baby. You should develop the right eating habits prior to your pregnancy to make sure that your child has access to the nutrients that they require for healthy development.
Benefits of Prenatal Nutrients and Where to Get it From?

Benefits of Prenatal Nutrients and Where to Get it From?

Having a baby is definitely one of the best moments of our lives. It’s a life changing experience for all couples. When you are having a baby, the responsibilities double up way before you even give birth. Apart from all the nursery planning and the buying of cute baby clothes and toys for the little one.
Real Remedies to Relieve Your Babies Gas Exist!

Real Remedies to Relieve Your Babies Gas Exist!

As a parent, one of the things that you hate to see is when your baby is suffering from gas. You see them in some discomfort and are desperate to do something in order to give them some relief. But then, what do you do? What are the best baby gas remedies? The problem is that you want to make sure that whatever you do.
Best Way to Increase Breast Milk Through Herbs According to Recognized Lactation Organizations

Best Way to Increase Breast Milk Through Herbs According to Recognized Lactation Organizations

While there are a number of ways to increase breast milk, we are about to focus on just one area, the use of herbs. It’s important to point out that we are not simply picking different herbs and explaining how they may help, but rather this is all based in research that has been carried out in various locations. 

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Why @ashleyj_music Uses Prenatal Plus
Postnatal Plus Review by @elizabeth_highcock_pierson

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"Fast shipping, great packaging, excellent quality. I was able to almost double what I was pumping each session after just 1 day of use. I've already recommended this product to a couple people. I will be buying more"

  • -EArdoin

"I am so glad I found this supplement! It really helped to increase my breast milk production. It was nice to finally find something that is healthy and safe for me and my baby! I would recommend this product to all nursing mothers! Very happy customer :)"

  • -Cheyenne E.

"This company is awesome and has great costumer service. This product is all natural and safe for mommy and baby. I would highly recommend this product for nursing as well as the other things they offer. Simply amazing"

  • -Megan V.


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