Mama's Select Blog

Increase the Wellbeing of Your Baby - Tips and Ideas

Increase the Wellbeing of Your Baby - Tips and Ideas

Before you know it, your baby will transition from being totally dependent on you to a walking, talking toddler. Baby activities are not just for fun, as well as bonding with your child, you will help them to reach important development milestones in language and motor skills. Baby development starts before a child.
How to Relieve Stress in Motherhood: Mental Coaches’ Tips

How to Relieve Stress in Motherhood: Mental Coaches’ Tips

Nobody likes to encounter stress, and yet we do so on a daily basis. It also feels as if this stress is increased even further when you become a mother, or even when pregnant. Learn some fantastic tips to cope here:
How to Improve the Quality and Quantity of Breast Milk?

How to Improve the Quality and Quantity of Breast Milk?

These 9 methods will improve your breast milk both in quality and quantity as well as make your life easier as a mother. Easy to use, and wonderful results.
How to Get Rid of Baby’s Trapped Wind Naturally

How to Get Rid of Baby’s Trapped Wind Naturally

Knowing how to prevent and treat infant gas and its symptoms such as baby burping, flatulence and crying is something that every parent should be aware of. After all, no parent wants to see their baby suffering and to then be somewhat stuck as to what to do next. In other words, you need to know how to get rid of trapped wind.
Get Rid of Your Baby’s Gas Pain and Bloating!

Get Rid of Your Baby’s Gas Pain and Bloating!

Gas is normal in a baby; this discomfort is typically experienced at night. When gas bubbles get trapped in the digestive tract it causes painful pressure and bloating in the stomach of your new-born. The good news is that there are strategies parents can implement to eliminate the pain caused by gas.
Exploring the Physical and Mental Needs of the Postnatal Period

Exploring the Physical and Mental Needs of the Postnatal Period

The prenatal period and postnatal periods are extremely important times during a woman’s pregnancy. During this time, expectant mothers must go through training and treatment to ensure a healthy pregnancy and delivery. In this article you will learn about the physical and mental needs of the prenatal and postnatal stages.
Does Fenugreek Increase Breast Milk?

Does Fenugreek Increase Breast Milk?

Fenugreek is an ancient medicinal herb that is also used for cooking. Historically, women in the Middle East and North Africa have used it for the purpose of increasing breast milk. In recent years, the healthcare industry has marketed fenugreek as a powerful natural supplement for breastfeeding mothers. 
Colic in Babies: How to Help

Colic in Babies: How to Help

Colic is a condition that causes pain in your infant’s gastrointestinal tract. Learn how to ease this condition and reduce the pain that your baby is experiencing. After all, no parent wants to know that their child is suffering when there is something that they can do to help. Knowing how to help a colicky baby should.
Best Remedies for Your Baby's Constant Constipation

Best Remedies for Your Baby's Constant Constipation

Let’s face it, nobody wants to be constipated, and when it becomes a recurring theme then it’s the kind of thing that can make you feel horrible both physically as well as mentally. What you need to do is to be able to identify the best course of action for you to take with this becoming even more important.
Balance Your Hormones and Increase Breast Milk With Shatavari

Balance Your Hormones and Increase Breast Milk With Shatavari

Breast milk is essential to the healthy development of your little one. It provides the right combination of protein, fat and vitamins needed to help your baby grow. One of the key ingredients in breast milk is antibodies, they assist in fighting bacteria and viruses so that your child has less chance of developing.
Baby Formula vs Breastfeeding

Baby Formula vs Breastfeeding

There are ways in which baby formula is similar to breast milk: they both provide energy, hydration and nutrients, so your baby will grow whichever milk he is given. However, having that basic knowledge doesn’t mean that you should then avoid delving deeper into the comparison between the two.
7 easy ways to increase  breast milk

7 easy ways to increase breast milk

All new mothers worry if they have enough milk. We isolate a selection of herbs and supplements that have been proven by tradition and science to promote milk production. Fenugreek, Fennel, Hops, Alfalfa,  Anise and Ginger can all be obtained as food sources. Supplements like Goat's rue, Shatavari, Blessed Thistle, Brewer's Yeast, all make the list of lactogenic foods.

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Why @ashleyj_music Uses Prenatal Plus
Postnatal Plus Review by @elizabeth_highcock_pierson

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"Fast shipping, great packaging, excellent quality. I was able to almost double what I was pumping each session after just 1 day of use. I've already recommended this product to a couple people. I will be buying more"

  • -EArdoin

"I am so glad I found this supplement! It really helped to increase my breast milk production. It was nice to finally find something that is healthy and safe for me and my baby! I would recommend this product to all nursing mothers! Very happy customer :)"

  • -Cheyenne E.

"This company is awesome and has great costumer service. This product is all natural and safe for mommy and baby. I would highly recommend this product for nursing as well as the other things they offer. Simply amazing"

  • -Megan V.


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