Baby Safety Month
Who doesn’t want to make their little angel safer?
When a child is born, parents come on a new journey and there are so many questions when it comes to taking care of a child whether for the first time or even those with experience. When your child is awake or sleeping, when they are eating or playing, you must keep an eye on safety hazards. We have to watch out for the baby but still give them a safe space to learn, develop, and explore in the first years of life.
Even if you have the best parenting instincts, caring for a new life that depends entirely upon you is not an easy feat. The best intentions can’t stand up to ignorance, so parents should use Baby Safety Month as an opportunity to educate themselves. Greater awareness of the risks in your home and life can only lead to a safer and healthier life for your child.
Baby Safety Month occurs every September and offers a great chance for parents to brush up on baby-proof safety standards and tips.
Here are just a few to keep your baby safe.
Soft Snacks Only
Harder foods present a choking hazard for babies - make sure their food is soft and easy to swallow. You should cut food into small, thin pieces.
Medicine Isn’t a Spoonful of Sugar
Beware of teaching children that medicine is candy, as this could lead to them taking your medicine when you aren’t around.
Don’t Toss the Baby
Shaking a baby or tossing them in the air can cause blindness or brain damage.
Watch for Broken Toys
Even baby-safe toys can present a hazard if broken. Be on the lookout for any of your child’s toys that have been damaged or come apart - make sure all pieces/toys are larger than the child’s mouth.
Baby Gates Everywhere!
Baby gates can be heavily employed to keep babies away from the many things that pose hazards to them - drawers with sharp objects, rooms with open electrical sockets, pools, and more.
Pets are very adorable and cute
But they always come with both fangs and claws. Therefore, do not leave a baby alone with pets.
Keep household cleaning products locked up
Keep toxic substances, chemicals, medicine, or pills in cabinets, drawers, out of reach. Use magnetic locks or other child safety locks so that your toddler can't access them.
NEVER leave your child alone in the bathroom
Even for a few seconds, always watch them. Check bath water temperature by hand or bath thermometer before putting the baby in.
We can help spread awareness on social media by using #BabySafetyMonth. Babies grow rapidly and so do their needs, so spreading awareness for this month is helpful for all parents struggling to keep up and maintain a safe environment for their child. Post a photo of your baby and use this hashtag.