Breast milk production is natural for nursing mothers; however, there are some women who struggle to produce enough breast milk to feed their little ones. There are several reasons for this including insufficient glandular tissue, endocrine or hormonal problems, breast surgery, birth control, medications, anatomical issues and much more. The good news is that women can naturally increase breast milk production without taking harsh medications. This article will now go into what’s Goat’s Rue and what are the sources of Goat’s Rue?
What’s Goat’s Rue and What are the Sources of it?
For those who have just been introduced to Goat’s Rue, you will want to know what’s Goat’s Rue and what are the sources of Goat’s Rue? Goat’s Rue is a plant that grows in the Middle East and Europe. It is bright green in color and grows to four feet in height. It was given the name Goat's Rue because of the bad smell that comes from the bruised leaves. During Medieval Europe, the herb was used to treat victims of the plague, it was also used as a vermifuge for the treatment of parasitic worms. In North America, it was viewed as an aphrodisiac, a healthy tonic and a cure for impotence by natural healers.
Historically, it was used to treat low blood sugar and tuberculosis. It is also known for its ability to produce more breast milk in women.
It was discovered as a breast boosting agent in Europe, when it was found to promote milk production in goats and cows. In the 1800’s, the plant was transported to America as a food source for livestock.
Goat’s Rue comes from the same family as Fenugreek, some women have reported that it is more potent than Fenugreek.
There are several different names for Goat’s Rue, these include the following: Sainfoin d’Espagne, faux-indigo, French Lilac, French Honeysuckle and Italian Fitch.
What are the Usages and Benefits?
If you are unfamiliar with goat’s rue, you will want to know what are the usages and benefits o the product; here are some of them.
Goat’s Rue has been used as a water pill to assist in getting rid of excess water in the body through urine.
- Studies have discovered that Goat’s Rue has anti-bacterial properties.
- Studies have revealed that Goat’s Rue contains galegin which might help to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics.
- Goat’s Rue has the ability to increase breast tissue and therefore cause the production of more breast milk.
- Goat’s Rue is used to stimulate the pancreas and the adrenal gland.
- Goat’s Rue is used for liver protection.
- Goat’s Rue is used to treat digestive problems.
- Goat’s Rue has been used for the treatment of rheumatism, fever, bladder problems, hard coughs and problems with menstruation.
Natural Remedies vs Chemicals
Goat’s Rue is considered a natural remedy, it does not have the same backing as traditional medication because the health care industry does not advocate natural medicine since they are unable to make the same profits they can from conventional medication. Despite the fact that there have been limited scientific studies conducted on Goat's Rue, it is a natural product that grows from the ground, it is not mixed with any other chemical compounds which means it is less likely to cause biological damage to the body. Over the year’s studies have indicated that traditional medication has caused more harm than good. We are in no way suggesting that you should boycott your doctor’s advice. However, it is advised that you combine healthy supplements in your daily healthcare regime.
How Much Goat’s Rue Should I Take?
Adults should take 1-2 capsules of Goat’s Rue four times per day with meals. However, it is advised that you purchase supplements from a reputable manufacturer, you can do so here.
You can also consume Goat’s Rue as a tea. Combine one teaspoon of dried Goat’s Rue with one cup of water and steep it for ten minutes. Drink one cup three times a day. For additional benefits, you can combine it with other breastfeeding herbs such as Fennel, Blessed Thistle and Alfalfa.
Evidence suggests that women can boost their breast milk supply by taking Goat’s Rue. However, if you suffer from any health conditions, it is advised that you speak with your healthcare consultant before taking the supplement.