lactation with herbs

Best Way to Increase Breast Milk Through Herbs According to Recognized Lactation Organizations


While there are a number of ways to increase breast milk, we are about to focus on just one area, the use of herbs. It’s important to point out that we are not simply picking different herbs and explaining how they may help, but rather this is all based in research that has been carried out in various locations. Basically, you can trust what you read as it has been shown time and time again that these herbs are effective at what they do.

increasing breastmilk

The mere idea of using herbs to increase milk supply may come as a surprise to many. In saying that, it does offer you a completely safe way to go ahead and increase your breast milk production. However, which ones should you focus on in order to get the best results?

Approaches to Increase Milk Supply Via Herbs.

A surprising number of herbs are galactagogues, and that is just one of the real benefits associated with them. In order to get the best out of them, you do need to continue to stimulate your breasts as you normally would in order to produce breast milk, but there’s no doubt that using herbs to increase milk supply will make the entire process a whole lot smoother.



Perhaps the most commonly used herbs to increase breast milk supply is Fenugreek. In fact, it will often appear in a number of herbal remedies that have been specifically created for this very reason. It promotes lactation and it has been shown to be effective within 24 to 72 hours after taking it.

The good thing about Fenugreek is that it is going to specifically help with the initial production. After you have increased levels, you should then be able to stop taking it for a period of time as long as you continue to do the other things that you should do in order to continue to produce milk.

Blessed Thistle.

blessed thistle

Another herb that is widely used and recommended is Blessed Thistle and it is often used in combination with Fenugreek. However, it’s important not to then confuse this with Milk Thistle. Studies have shown that Blessed Thistle is completely safe for women to consume, but do keep it below 3500mg per day just to make sure that there are no side effects. It too will work within 24 to 72 hours after consumption.


fennel for breastmilk

Fennel is a wonderful herb that has a number of amazing medicinal properties. In this instance, it is indeed a galactagogue while it has also been shown to contain various estrogen like properties. For some women, this will then translate into their body producing more milk thanks to it replicating that hormone.

Stinging Nettle.

stinging nettle

While it may not sound that nice, stinging nettle is also viewed as being one of the best herbs for increasing milk production in a safe and controlled manner. This has been shown to be effective in improving levels of potassium in our body which can then play a role in milk production. It is something that you are able to take without any concerns pretty much immediately after giving birth and can also then be taken for an extended period of time. It will be available either in a special tea made for this purpose while it’s also available in a supplement form.


alfalfa for lactation moms

The use of alfalfa in medicine goes back centuries, and in this instance it is useful due to the high levels of antioxidants contained within the herb. Also, it contains some levels of phytoestrogens, which are plant-based forms of the hormone estrogen. Thanks to this, your body will extract all of these nutrients and plant hormones and this will then help stimulate breast milk production just as normal estrogen does in your body.

Goat’s Rue.

goat's rue

Goat’s Rue is from the same kind of family as Fenugreek, and it too has been shown by various lactation organizations to be effective at increasing breast milk production. It is believed that this herb is going to help with the quality and production of breast tissue and, in turn, more breast milk. However, with this herb you need to make sure that you only ever use the dried version or in a supplement. If you happen to come across the fresh version then stay away as it will make you ill.

Milk Thistle.

milk thistle

You clearly cannot just go with the name and believe that Milk Thistle will work wonders, but in all honesty this herb is not going to let you down. This has been used by mothers across Europe and India for generations with a huge number of women noting that it does indeed boost milk supply. However, it is not an immediate fix and it may take a couple of days before you will be able to notice any kind of difference.

Herbs can, and will, make a significant difference to the way in which you can increase breast milk production. The only other thing that we recommend is that you do consult with your medical practitioner or a lactation organization if you have any concerns regarding your health and ability to consume any of these herbs. However, they have been shown time and time again to not only be effective but also safe, so you should have nothing to worry about.

lactation mom

The only other thing that we need to mention is that you have to follow the instructions when it comes to the quantities that you are able to take. Also, try to go for a quality supplement where you know that it has reached certain standards as there can be some variation in the power of each supplement when you purchase things at the lower end of the market. Do remember that it takes time for this to all kick into action, but when it does you will notice a significant difference to the way in which you are able to produce breast milk and to then provide your child with the nutrients that they need in order to develop naturally.

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